JUNE 1 - June 29
Plotting or Revising a Story? Join my Powerful Pacing Class for June!
It’s all done in email, and you’ll get lessons and exercises, and feedback from me on your (optional) exercise posts.
PACING = Events + Urgency
Powerful Pacing
With Alicia Rasley
June 1-29
Interactive Easy-Email Class with Personal Feedback From Alicia on Your Story’s Pacing
(how to make events happen in a dramatic and exciting way)
Just $75 For The Four-Week Course
An Interactive Email Class For Story Writers
with Alicia Rasley
Make your plot events move in the most dramatic and dynamic way.
Just $75 for four weeks of instruction and interaction.
Join Alicia's Pacing Course
(You don’t need a Paypal account. On the log-in page, just scroll down to Pay with Debit or Credit Card.)
That’s it! Just sign up and pay through Paypal, and I’ll enroll you in a private group.
You’ll get the “join” message in email, so click on the link there and join the group.
That’s all you have to do.
We’ll start the class June 1.
(Any problems in signing up, email me at!)
Don’t wait– admission is limited to 20 students.This email course is easy in format and intense in interactivity. We’ll work through useful lessons in everything from sequencing your events for drama and powering up your sentences. The focus is on practical and profound strategies and tactics to enhancing the excitement and depth of your story.
You will get personal and positive feedback on every assignment you do! And you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask Alicia questions about plotting and pacing. Just take a look at the pragmatic and plot-oriented lessons and exercises!
Powerful Pacing Workshop Lessons and Exercises
Intensifying Your Pacing
BIG PICTURE PACING- What is pacing?
What level of pacing is right for your story? (Exercise)
Plot purpose of pacing
Pacing chains
Events for pacing, and intro to the three-act structure (Exercise)
Cause-and-Effect Pacing (Exercise)
Beginnings, Middles, and Ends (Exercise)
Final thoughts about the Big Picture (story-length structure)
Opening and Closing the External Story Question (Exercise)
Starting on Scenes and Pacing: One more time: Conflict= Goal + deadline +internal issue
Showing things concretely in the opening (Exercise)
Theme as Pacing-creation (Exercise)
Show AND tell and theme
Magic Rule of Three for the whole plot (Exercise)
Moving on from “macro” to “mid-level” with unity
Using motifs to “pull” the reader and pace the plot (Exercise)
Pacing: Intro to scene pacing
Structuring plot turning points for pacing
Zooming in on scenes (Exercise)
Stacking events in scenes
Opening scenes with a question/goal
The magic rule of 3 in scenes (Exercise)
Scene endings that make the reader keep reading
Scene central event for pacing prominence (Exercise)
Within the scene with beats — doing a scene pacing analysis (Exercise)
Slowing things down: Moments of Grace
Inside scenes: Prose, presentation, paragraphs, and pacing
Pacing for paragraphs (Exercise)
Pacing for sentences
Don’t waste space and lose focus in sentences
Make sentences bristle for better pacing
Final Exercise on Power Pacing
All this and individual feedback for just $75!
June 1- June 29
Join Alicia's Pacing Course